JavaScript Convolutional Neural Network Training on the MNIST Dataset
Red: Mini-batch error
Blue: Test data accuracy
It may take several seconds to download the training images the first time you visit this page, or after clearing
your browser cache.
After the training images have loaded, the button below will change to "Start Training"
Outputs bitmap images of the network's filters at the bottom of the page
Evaluates all 10,000 MNIST verification set digits. May take more than 10 seconds.
Test Results:
Instantiates an uninitialized CNN with default settings, replacing whatever is currently loaded.
Downloads the current network, including all hyperparameter settings and trained weights, to a JSON file.
Load a saved network or network config file from JSON
Examples Seen:
Forward Time:
Backprop Time:
Minibatch Loss:
Training Accuracy: (for 100 random validation set digits)